
Olimex - Olimex Ltd is a leading provider for development tools and programmers for embedded market. The company has over 20 years’ experience in designing, prototyping and manufacturing printed circuit boards, sub-assemblies, and complete electronic products. Olimex was established in 1991 in Plovdiv - the second largest city in Bulgaria.
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නවතම නිෂ්පාදන

Olimex Ltd. A20-SOM204-EVB Evaluation Board is an evaluation platform for the A20-SOM204 SoC module and comes with A20-SOM204-1G-s16Me16G-MC on-board.

දිනය: 2018-08-20

Olimex Ltd. A20-SOM204 SoC Modules contain A20 Dual Core Cortex-A7 processor, AXP209 power management unit, and 1GB DDR3 memory.

දිනය: 2018-08-20